盘点湾区新楼盘 - 南湾(下)


Santa Clara

- Naya (builder: KB Home)

几分钟就能到Santa Clara University

三层的Townhome-style condos, 4种户型,2 - 4 bedrooms, 价格 $1,351,277+


- Lavender (builder: Landsea)

在市政附近,挨着El Camino Real那条大路。

包括128个Townhomes,9种户型,2 - 4 bedrooms, 价格 $1,234,895+


- Nuevo (builder: SummerHill)

紧挨着Lawrence Expy,跟Costco之隔一条街

有4层的single-family homes, 2-4层带露台的Townhomes, 户型非常多,2 - 4 bedrooms, $1,228,000+


- East Lawrence Station

2 - 3 层的Townhomes, 4种户型,2 - 4 bedrooms, 价格 $1,214,995+

- Apex at Lawrence Station

Condos, 5种户型, 1 - 3 bedrooms, 价格 $983,995+

以上两个楼盘都是建商Toll Brothers建造,位置也差不多,也是跟Costco之隔一条街。

East Lawrence Station
Apex at Lawrence Station 

Redwood City

- One20 Townhomes (builder: Pinn Bros)

在El Camino Real那条大道上

包括12套townhomes, 4种户型,2 - 3 bedrooms, 价格 $1,299,000+

One20 Townhomes

Los Gatos

- Montalvo Oaks (builder: SummerHill)

在Saratoga-Los Gatos那条大路分叉儿的附近,靠近山了,环境挺好的

包括21套 single-family homes, 7套 townhomes 和 8套 Duets, 3 - 5 bedrooms,价格 $3,811,000+

Montalvo Oaks

- Bellaterra (builder: SummerHill)


一共253套,80套condos,  1 - 3 bedrooms, 价格 $1,153,000+

 97套Townhomes, 2 - 3 bedrooms, 价格 $1,598,000+

 76套带小院儿的,1 - 3 bedrooms, 价格 $1,063,000+


San Jose

- Latitude at Communications Hill (builder: KB Home)

离Downtown开车18分钟左右, 87东边一点儿

Condos, 4种户型,2 - 3 bedrooms, 价格 $768,596+

Latitude at Communications Hill

- Asana (builder: DeNova)

位置在east san jose, 101东边

三层single-family homes, 三种户型,3 - 4 bedrooms, 价格 $1,392,000+


- The Almaden (builder: Almaden)


包括96个Condos, 1 - 3 bedrooms, coming soon, 还没有价格。

The Almaden